
The building of ISA. In particular, for reuse of existing paradigms, concepts and technologies.
and a set of guidelines are needed to make selection.


This theme directly derives from the post ISA Wish N°8 – Use existing technologies when acceptable.

Retained approach

See above.

Insertion policy in ISA

The is followed each time a new problematic is studied.

Detailed description

  1.  Establish the requirements the Ideal Software Architecture could satisfy. Basically this is done by the suite of “Wishes” posts, but it needs to be detailed on each subject.
  2. Repeat from large to small scales
    1. Define conceptually the solution retained by ISA. This step aggregates several activities, within one is to be inspired by the existing paradigms, concepts and technologies.
    2. Examine if an existing thing could be acceptable regarding to the conceptual definition above.
      • When acceptable, adopt the existing solution.
      • Otherwise, define the appropriate new solution.


The decision should be made on a set of criterias. Some are eliminatory, others influence the choice.

  • Eliminatory :
    • Fulfilment of major ISA requirements.
    • Standardisation (controled by its applicability).
  • Influence:
    • Standardisation : level, accuracy, popularity.

Version and status

Version Date Description Status
V1R1 24-Apr-15 Initial. Candidate