
Define a versionning policy for ISA artefacts.


ISA Wish N°5 – Simple and freed of experts.

Retained approach

Simple mecanism and status of artefact.

Insertion policy in ISA

The themes section is the first artefact applying .

Detailed description

Only distinguish 2 levels of :

  • Major changes, noted V like Version. The number evolves every time the changes have an impact on the artefact users.
  • Minor changes, noted R like Revision. The number evolves every time the artefact changes without impact for its users

Follow the general rules of numbering by starting à 1, not as the habits to sometime begin numbering by 0.
starts at V1R1.

A status of the artefact version could also be applied. Possible status are : Draft, Candidate, Approved.

Version and status

Version Date Description Status
V1R1 24-Apr-15 Initial. Approved