LL first meta-model – ISA\LL\Metamodel



Aliases None.
Information This establish the LL metamodel thru Metaclasses. This means all the elements of the LL languages. These metaclasses derives of Concept .
The sizing limits are often specified as an effective integer value in LL. This could appear strange when compared to the usual freedom the designers and especially developers have with other languages. So this could be seen as not very “Ideal”. However there are strong arguments to do that this way. Bellow are some references (there are so much) to consolidate the accuracy of this approach. These references are followed by decision diagrams justifying the limits values.
So yes, in an ideal architecture, the modules built by humans should not be in-considerably big. To ensure it, having fixed limits is necessary, because they force to improve the design of the systems.
At the end of this explanation, some statistics consolidate this approach.
References :
The maximum number of components in an
Metamodel Assembly

The maximum number of dependencies in an

Metamodel Assembly

The maximum number of Feature in an Module
Metamodel Assembly
The maximum number of settings in an
Metamodel Assembly
In order to illustrate the accuracy of the size limitation policy, it is also worst noting that on a real IT system with more that 10 years of production experience, the statistics revels the following facts:
  • More that 93% of the classes have less than 30 fields.
  • The average is measured at 11,5 data features per .
  • When analyzing the 13 classes that have more than 30 fields, each of them can be better designed or worse have severe flaws.

Metamodel Assembly


Version 1
Country None.
Language  None.
Number  1
Dependencies None.
Inhibit all invariants False.
Scope Ideas.






Version and status

Version Date Description Status
V1R1 29-Dec-17 Initial. Candidate

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