The scope, background and foundations of ISA are now well established. It is time to examine the existing principles, the concepts and artefacts that are not useful for us. To reverse our point view in order to enumerate the existing things that must be avoided.
Continue reading Useless conceptsModern and durable
Wish N°6 – Modern and durable : Think and design ISA to be durable to several decades.
ISA is about the 5th computing era : The Distribution one.
When the things are done in many computing units, of many kinds, in many places, available to anyone. When the centralization is no more possible.
Doing nothing is always the best option when acceptable. So optionally if an existing technology is a good candidate to be an ISA part and that it meets all the requirements above, then it should be retained.
This post is also the opportunity to initiate the building process of ISA.
Having defined the scope of the Ideal Software Architecture (ISA), it’s time first to make a list to Santa Claus of what will be nice to have in computer science. Wish N°1 – Plug and play generalized. An old dream to begin, connect a computing unit as easily as we connect any device, like a …
Continue reading ISA RequirementsPlease read the Why ? post before this post. Driving principle. A simple principle that drive all the approach : think first, do second. The target results of that theorical then practical work should be The Ideal Architecture. No less. Otherwise this attempt of solving the unnecessary complexity of IT will only produce an other strate. Key properties. This means that …
Continue reading So what ?