In a recent brainstorming post, I stated that in ISA having a typed system every where, using the right type at the right place, is certainly a very good policy.
In the current IT world this obviously not the case. We often need, among others, to encode binary data into text. This give several declination like hexadecimal, base 64, etc.
This post is some kind of tutorial on the Last Language type system. Not just a tutorial in fact, but a discussion space to challenge the ISA type architecture.
Continue reading Overview of the LL type systemAfter stating that LL is the language to express ISA, comes the time to define the content expressed: The whole software developpement stack (just this !). From the idea to the production, in going thru the coding, the testing and the other major tasks of our industry.That’s the opportunity to state the ISA software process steps and also the delivered artefacts.
Continue reading What to express ? The ISA roadmapThe scope, background and foundations of ISA are now well established. It is time to examine the existing principles, the concepts and artefacts that are not useful for us. To reverse our point view in order to enumerate the existing things that must be avoided.
Continue reading Useless conceptsWhat are the Identity axiom consequences ? Here is a list of studied subject by this post: Addressing, Unitarity, Uniqueness, Ubiquity, Versioning.
Continue reading The Identity axiomIn the perspective to give a basement to ISA, here is an exploration of pros and cons of major paradigms (No paradigm, Object Oriented, Sets (Relational) and Functional). To sum up the OO paradigm is retained for ISA. It is this approach that has made me discover the “Atom Oriented” possible paradigm.
Continue reading Available paradigms overviewWe are facing a problem where it seems we should choose between the idealism pest and the cholera of pragmatism.
Like Charles Sanders Peirce I prefer the pragmaticism word to distinguish this scientific approach of the usual pragmatism to just deal as we can with the real…