The object identifier production is one of the most important thing in an OO Architecture, and even more when it is a distributed one. This post is about some key items of the Identity axiom. Its major concerns are integrity, isolation and performance.
Continue reading Generation algorithms of Object idState
What are the major guidelines for LL? Simple (as Basic and PHP), Powerfull (like C++ or Smalltalk), Consistent (as OO is), Efficient (as C++ and Python), Dynamic but not messy, Seamlessly to suit to the whole software life cycle.
Continue reading LL basics and syntaxAfter stating that LL is the language to express ISA, comes the time to define the content expressed: The whole software developpement stack (just this !). From the idea to the production, in going thru the coding, the testing and the other major tasks of our industry.That’s the opportunity to state the ISA software process steps and also the delivered artefacts.
Continue reading What to express ? The ISA roadmapThe scope, background and foundations of ISA are now well established. It is time to examine the existing principles, the concepts and artefacts that are not useful for us. To reverse our point view in order to enumerate the existing things that must be avoided.
Continue reading Useless conceptsISA relies on the Object Oriented paradigm. Let me now join OO with our wishes. Some guidances emerge . The first one is, not surprisingly, “Everything in ISA is an Object”!
Continue reading Object Oriented GuidelinesWhat is really the SOA? Analyzing pros and cons, is this a concept usable for ISA? This post conclude that no, it isn’t. OO is more powerful and provides a wider consistancy.
However, some SOA central properties have to be incorporated in ISA. Let’s have a look to them!
Here I study the Class Object state axiom in the perspective of an incorporation in ISA. What’s about the Class life cycle ? And about the Versioning, the Grouping and the Delivery ?
Continue reading The State axiom – Part 4Third post on the object state axiom. Here I will speak about the state of the Class object and begin to define what it is. It is also question of immutability and of threaded objects.
Continue reading The State axiom – Part 3In this second post on Object state, we will see what are Fields, Relationships, Properties and Attributes; and why and how to put them all together.
Continue reading The State axiom – Part 2This post answers the question “What’s a State ?”. It also consider object life cycle and the basic Design Patterns. Finally, Eiffel’s advanced features around state are evoked.
Continue reading The State axiom – Part 1