What is an object ? This is the question this post answered by establishing an axiomatic: Encapsulation, Interface, Behavior, Identity and State.
This post also reveals what is there behind these axioms and begins to explore their implications.
In the perspective to give a basement to ISA, here is an exploration of pros and cons of major paradigms (No paradigm, Object Oriented, Sets (Relational) and Functional). To sum up the OO paradigm is retained for ISA. It is this approach that has made me discover the “Atom Oriented” possible paradigm.
Continue reading Available paradigms overviewHave an underlying paradigm to help building ISA is a mean to promote coherence and consistency.
In this way it is easier to follow all the previously expressed wishes. It also gives guidelines for choosing among solutions in particular on reuse of an existing one.
We are facing a problem where it seems we should choose between the idealism pest and the cholera of pragmatism.
Like Charles Sanders Peirce I prefer the pragmaticism word to distinguish this scientific approach of the usual pragmatism to just deal as we can with the real…
ISA should offer a basic common management for specification, design, test, delivery and the like.
The purpose of ISA is to provide a common set of blocks on which any people involved in software can rely at anytime and anywhere.
Another aspect ISA should address is the continuity in the problem/solution chain thru specification/realisation and the abstraction levels.
The first benefit to incorporate security in the lowest layers of ISA is that its safety is generalized every where ISA is deployed, and at anytime. This is a very important advantage when comparing to security problems recurrently occuring on all runtime environments (operating systems, browsers, etc.)
Continue reading ISA Wish N°3 – Intrinsic securisationHaving defined the scope of the Ideal Software Architecture (ISA), it’s time first to make a list to Santa Claus of what will be nice to have in computer science. Wish N°1 – Plug and play generalized. An old dream to begin, connect a computing unit as easily as we connect any device, like a …
Continue reading ISA RequirementsPlease read the Why ? post before this post. Driving principle. A simple principle that drive all the approach : think first, do second. The target results of that theorical then practical work should be The Ideal Architecture. No less. Otherwise this attempt of solving the unnecessary complexity of IT will only produce an other strate. Key properties. This means that …
Continue reading So what ?