Foundations of ISA – Base paradigm – Scale ISA global
Iteration 2: Step into oo paradigm – State axiom – Part 1
What's a State ?
I will treat the State axiom in the same way I have did for the Identity one: Thru major subjects that I can identify. Before doing that, I would recall what has been found in the Identity axiom post about versioning and structural objects: The States of Objects and of meta-objects like class are different. Moreover, this subject is wide and often not much studied elsewhere. Therefore this post is divided in several parts, in particular for each of the modeling level axis.
Before all, what is the definition of the Object State? There are varying definitions, but converging, like:
- The state of an object encompasses all of the (usually static) properties of the object plus the current (usually dynamic) values of each of these properties … (G. Booch, R. A. Maksimchuk)
- The state of an object is defined by the state of the instance variables of the object.
- What the objects have, Student have a first name, last name, age, etc
In a previous post I have given the following one: “The values of the Object fields and relationships.” That's the most simple and accurate I can found. It relates to the data set of an Object and of their values. Please, notice that I distinguish fields and relationships. I will discuss that below.
End of the story ?
Yes in almost all cases in the computer science literature.
I think this is widely insufficient because many points are not treated. Not convinced ? Ok but what do you do of :
- The need of the State Design Pattern.
- The need of the Observer Design Pattern.
- Object life cycle, as defined in UML for instance.
- Things like Microsoft.Web.Administration.ObjectState or javax.jdo.ObjectState
- The distinction between a field and a relationship (and about agregation and composition).
- The versioning as pointed previously.
- The distinction between Object and instance as also defined in the previous post.
- Static fields.
- The need of the Singleton Design Pattern.
- Immutable object.
State of Objects
Here is a list of subjects I would like to have a look in the perpective of an incorporation in ISA :
- Life cycle
- Basic features (Design Patterns)
- Advanced features (invariant, pre and post condition, command and query separation).
- Fields and Relationships
- Fields and Properties
- class and Object
- Immutability
- versioning
Life cycle and basic Design Patterns
All objects have a life cycle. The simplest one has only 3 states: Start, Initialized, End; and 2 transitions: Construct, Destroy. This is the sole life cycle that is supported by almost all systems and languages.
But there are many other possible life cycles of course. Some are related to runtime systems, like the above one, others are domain specific. In the later case, in wide organisations, they are usually expressed via UML state machine or BPMN diagrams. Anyway, they are so common, that they are the purpose of design patterns (State, Observer, Singleton, Memento).
There is no reason to leave the state management external to objects, because it is one of the base axiom of the oo paradigm. No reason to let separated and of varying implementations, those things that are well known by practitioners.
At contrary, the incorporation of these features thinly linked to oo is a way to address the unavoidable complexity of the world in a regular and common way.
ISA must natively support the Object state and life cycle features, for both axis : system and domain specific.
Advanced features
Some platforms offers more advanced features around the management of object state. This is particularly the case of Eiffel.
Altering the object state is not an anodyne operation because of possible side effects (consistency, persistence, concurrency, notification, etc.). So, it appears valuable to have some advanced features to deal with updates. Therefore concepts like class invariant, method pre and post conditions, command and query separation principle should be incorporated at least as optional properties of classes.
Consider incorporate state related advanced features provided by Eiffel.