In ISA, the memory is managed thru smart pointer because of the efficiency and simplicity of this approach. On usual systems, the O.S. also provides Processes. To free objects, the process wall is broken by ISA! But this implies some memory management adjustments.
Continue reading How to manage memory ?Uncategorized
Thesis: Not to be generic At first, I didn’t want to include generics in LL. This is mainly for two reasons. First, because it is really hard to conceive and understand a generic algorithm. This goes at contrary of the Wish N°5 – Simple and freed of experts. In my professional life, I have often …
Continue reading To be or not to be GenericRegular followers of this blog may have noticed a low posting rate. This is not because this blog is dead: not at all. But I am working since a long time on the LL model and meta-model. This is an accurate, hard and also time consuming work. Moreover, I am …
Continue reading Introduction to Concepts AssemblyIn a recent brainstorming post, I stated that in ISA having a typed system every where, using the right type at the right place, is certainly a very good policy.
In the current IT world this obviously not the case. We often need, among others, to encode binary data into text. This give several declination like hexadecimal, base 64, etc.
We are facing a problem where it seems we should choose between the idealism pest and the cholera of pragmatism.
Like Charles Sanders Peirce I prefer the pragmaticism word to distinguish this scientific approach of the usual pragmatism to just deal as we can with the real…