Thesis: Not to be generic At first, I didn’t want to include generics in LL. This is mainly for two reasons. First, because it is really hard to conceive and understand a generic algorithm. This goes at contrary of the Wish N°5 – Simple and freed of experts. In my professional life, I have often …
Continue reading To be or not to be Generic(05 – Warm up)
The ISA warm up lap needed to begin defining the ideal architecture. In particular, this part initiates the LL language.
The object identifier production is one of the most important thing in an OO Architecture, and even more when it is a distributed one. This post is about some key items of the Identity axiom. Its major concerns are integrity, isolation and performance.
Continue reading Generation algorithms of Object idIn a recent brainstorming post, I stated that in ISA having a typed system every where, using the right type at the right place, is certainly a very good policy.
In the current IT world this obviously not the case. We often need, among others, to encode binary data into text. This give several declination like hexadecimal, base 64, etc.
This post is some kind of tutorial on the Last Language type system. Not just a tutorial in fact, but a discussion space to challenge the ISA type architecture.
Continue reading Overview of the LL type systemWhat are the major guidelines for LL? Simple (as Basic and PHP), Powerfull (like C++ or Smalltalk), Consistent (as OO is), Efficient (as C++ and Python), Dynamic but not messy, Seamlessly to suit to the whole software life cycle.
Continue reading LL basics and syntaxAfter stating that LL is the language to express ISA, comes the time to define the content expressed: The whole software developpement stack (just this !). From the idea to the production, in going thru the coding, the testing and the other major tasks of our industry.That’s the opportunity to state the ISA software process steps and also the delivered artefacts.
Continue reading What to express ? The ISA roadmapHow to express ISA ? The conclusion here is that building a first round of LL is the best answer. A warm up lap before the real start of the ISA solutions.
Continue reading What language to express ISA?