Some definitions of abreviations used within this blog.
ISA ⇒ Ideal Software Architecture
Actor | Actor (in the UML sence) | |
API | Application Programming interface | |
Attribute | An Attribute of an object is a visible data that can be attributed to it | The State axiom – Part 2 |
BPM | Business process Modeling | |
BPMN | Business process Modeling Notation | |
byte | A 8 bits binary word | |
DDE | Dynamic Data Exchange | |
DTO | Data Transfert object | |
GUI | Graphical user interface | |
IT | Information Technology | |
Module | A Module is the basic unit for building a system. | |
Nominal | This concept lies to data that are only defined by a name. | Overview of the LL type system |
octet | A 8 bits binary word | |
OLE | object Linking and Embedding | |
oo | object-Oriented | |
OS or O.S. | Operating System | |
Property | A Property of an object is a visible data that is proper to it | The State axiom – Part 2 |
sbyte | square byte, a 64 bits binary word (8×8) | |
soa | Service Oriented Architecture | |
SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol | |
Type | A Type is the concept defining a collection of objects characterized by functions, axioms and preconditions | Overview of the LL type system |
REST | REpresentational state Transfer | |
UC | use case (in the UML sence) | |
UI | user interface | |
UML | Unified Modeling Language | |
VB | Visual Basic | |
WS | Web Service |